How to Create a Procuct in Awinita


Here we show the steps needed to create a product in

the AWINITA platform.



Creation of a Simple Product

Creating a new product is done in two ways, depending on the type of product you want to create. So it can be a Simple product or a Booking product.

Creating Simple, Virtual, Dounloadable Products is done with the same method.

It will be shown first how to create a Simple product.

First you need to log in to your account. Sign In.

 Open the business panel and select New Products as in the picture below:




Another page opens. Here you must fill in the information about the product you want to add as follows.

  • Product Category, select one or several categories that correspond to your product. In this case we have chosen Goods as the Main Category and Electronic as the subcategory that corresponds to our product.



  • Product Name, enter the name of your product. (Note: those fields that have a small red star on the side are mandatory fields. So they must be filled in).
  • Description, where you should provide more details about your product.


  • Short Description is not necessary but you can write additional explanations.
  • In Price, enter the price of the product (including VAT)
  • Quantity in the warehouse (Stock) enter the quantity of the item you have in the warehouse.
  • Stock Availability (select In Stock).

  • In the Visibility column, you must select Catalog, Search, (this makes it appear on the page and can be searched with Search.) as in the picture below:
  • In the Tax Class column, enter the tax of your product, in this case VAT-18%.
  • In the Weight (kgs) column, enter the weight of your product, in this case 0.8200, which means 820 grams, since weights are in kg.
  • Meta title.
  • Meta keywords and
  • Meta description.

  • Allowed Product Qty on Product Purchase for Customer: the maximum number allowed for purchase of the product must be written here. This column can be left blank if you don't want to limit your customers to a maximum purchase amount.
  • Product Images: can be selected from your computer by clicking on the image field. Multiple photos can be selected. (Note: The dimensions of the photos must be square and at least 400px by 400px.)
  • City Enter the city where the product is sold.
  • Allowed Payment Type fill in the payment methods you want.

These, shown with red arrows, can be left blank because they are not necessary for this kind of product.

  • Press the SAVE button, and wait until your product is approved by Awinita.

That's all for creating a simple product. Nothing else is fulfilled. The ones you see in the picture below are for other types of products. In the case of simple products, they are not filled.






Creation of the product Appointment Booking


First you need to log in to your account. Sign In.

Open the business panel and select Advanced Booking System as in the picture below and press Add Booking Products.



Select the Appointment Booking option, and press the CONTINUE button, as in the picture below.



  • Product Category, select one or several categories that correspond to your product. In this case, we have chosen Services as the Main Category and Medical Services as a subcategory that corresponds to our product, then Medical Doctor and finally Dentist.



  • Product Name, enter the name of your product. (Note: those fields that have a small red star on the side are mandatory fields. So they must be filled in).
  • Description, where you should provide more details about your services.
  • Short Description is not necessary but you can write additional explanations.


  • Price, enter the price of the product (including VAT), in this case, write how much money we want to receive as a deposit for booking the term, we can choose 0, or a percentage, e.g. 20% of the price, or we can choose for the customer to pay the full price during the reservation. In the case of our example, we have chosen the amount 0, since the client will pay after the service is performed.
  • Stock, write the quantity of the article you have in the warehouse. Since it is a reservation product, we must write a larger number.
  • Stock Availability (select In Stock).


  • In the Visibility column, you must select Catalog, Search, (this makes it appear on the page and can be searched with Search.) as in the picture below:
  • In the Tax Class column, enter the tax of your product VAT-18% or VAT-9%
  • Meta title.
  • Meta keywords and
  • Meta description.

These can be left blank because they are not necessary.

  • Product Images, service photos are added.

In the picture below, the following fields must be filled in:



"Location" here must be the exact address of the business.

"Show Map With Location" here we always press Yes, to show the business on the map.

"Show Contact Button to" here we choose who can have access to contact our business.

"Slot Duration (Mins)" here we have to set the extension of the term with clients, we always set it in minutes.

"Break Time b/w Slots (Mins)" here we set the break during the transition from one client to another, always specifying in minutes.

"Prevent Scheduling (Mins)" here we have to set how many minutes before the client can set the appointment to the business. For example, You must set the appointment 2 hours in advance.

"Available Every Week" here we can set if we want to work every week by moving the button to Yes.

In the picture above, it must be completed as follows:

  "Same Slot for All Days" here we can set if we want to work every day or we can allow one day as a weekly holiday.

"Slot has Quantity" here we can set if we want 1 client to make a reservation or more clients for a term.


"Slot Information" here we can set the working hours, for example, from 10:00 to 18:00 every day, but with the "ADD SLOTS" option, we can set different times, for example, from 17:00 to 20:00 :00 we can add different timetables.



At the end, after finishing, then at the beginning of the page on the right side of the screen, touch the "SAVE" button

and now the product will be presented on the front page of the web page after approval by the admin.