
If your questions are not listed here, please contact us


In most cases you contact them directly through their contact information provided.

We don’t offer a trial version, but we do have a 30 day refund policy, so you can buy with confidence

Canceling the order will depend from the seller


You don’t have to pay any extra cost after purchasing the products.

The discounts and coupons are provided directly from sellers

Please, contact the seller.


We support product payment via Paypal, Credit Card, Cash, Bank Account. However, each seller has the preferences which you can find on the product's page.

You can log in to your account then go to “My order” to see the status of your order- complete or pending.

We use the industry standard encryption protocol known as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to keep your order information secure. As you know, security is the top priority at Awinita. When you submit the sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.


Shipping is organized by sellers.

This is provided in the shipping policy of the seller.

Please, contact the seller for the bookings that your purchase.


Please, follow the instructions on "Register your business"

Please, go to “Sign In” in Awinita and login. However the seller has to be approved by Awinita for legitimacy.

The number of products depends from your membership type that you have purchased. However, you can change your membership after the period ends or by contacting us

Support policy

When you purchase your membership to become a vendor in Awinita, you will receive a number of services to you and your customers:

  • Marketplace Dashboard
  • Seller Profile
  • Create Attribute
  • New Products
  • My Products List
  • My Customer List
  • My Review List
  • My Transaction List
  • Manage Print PDF Header Info
  • My Order History
  • Booking Product Add
  • Booking Product Create
  • Booking Product List
  • Booking Questions List
  • Add Deal On Product
  • Deal Product List
  • Seller Coupons Manager

The support is included with your membership.

If you have any questions or need any support, feel free to contact us via following ways. We will get back to you within 24 hours since you submit your support request.